M o d e l    R a i l w a y s

Model railways have always had an important place in the club's activities with
the monthly Track Night a long standing part of our programme.

Everyone seems to have their own take on railway modelling.
Some are expert modellers and build their own locos and rolling stock to run on extensive layouts.
Others are avid collectors of the latest ready to run releases.
Many enjoy scouring swap-meets and toy-fairs for rarities, classic models and bargains.

The SEERS test track is not only for test running locos and stock but,
for displaying trains to other club members,

All in all Track Nights are more of a "tea and trains" social..

A slide show of track night photos.

Gauge 1 continental train with 00 HST in the background.

General view summer 2023

General view summer 2023

The SEERS library team

Fairly modern liveried 00 HST

From spring of 2020, our test-track was confined to storage for over a year.
During the summer of 2021 our members checked the track alignment and electrical connections.
The picture shows the test-track in a member's garden just after a finishing coat of paint had been applied.

Test-track session a couple of years ago, main circuits in the background
with the recently built N-gauge board in the foreground.

Test-track session about ten years ago showing our previous test-track,
now retired after many years service.Smaller image shows a gauge one Tilbury Tank.

The track circuits are arranged thus:-

  • four OO/HO tracks,
  • a coarse scale O gauge track, home for vintage tinplate,
  • a dual gauge 1 and finescale 0 gauge track, also home for LGB
  • new for 2024 - a freestanding board supporting one TT and two N gauge circuits.
  • both analogue and digital controllers are available.

The main base board was built just over ten years ago,
replacing one which had become hors-de-combat.

The circuit has six tracks, formed within an oval of 18ft by 14ft (5.5m by 4.3m),
supplemented by a freestanding board for a TT circuit
and a double track N gauge oval of approx. 6'6" by 2'6" (2m by 0.75m).

Most members collect or model British, Continental or American prototypes, both
standard and narrow gauge, some focus on novelty or freelance subjects,
occasionally Chinese and Australian models can be spotted, so it is fair to say
"anything goes" - each monthly session brings out a different mix of models.

So even when you don't run your pride and joy or new acquisition, it is a usually a
pleasure just to sit and watch what other members have brought along.

During the summertime, through the good offices of members with garden railway layouts,
we have garden meetings, sometimes running live steam or battery models.


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